England - secret river beneath London
Secret River Flowing Beneath London, England.
The Thames is not the only great river to have graced London in the city's long history. The Fleet was a clear sparkling river that for centuries ran from its source at Hampstead Heath to the Thames. Now its banks are found in a series of labyrinthine sewer tunnels, deep underground, for the brave and hardy to explore. And if claustrophobia and darkness were not enough to deter the faint of heart, there are rats and the rising tide to think about while splashing through a foot of dirty water.
The Thames is not the only great river to have graced London in the city's long history. The Fleet was a clear sparkling river that for centuries ran from its source at Hampstead Heath to the Thames. Now its banks are found in a series of labyrinthine sewer tunnels, deep underground, for the brave and hardy to explore. And if claustrophobia and darkness were not enough to deter the faint of heart, there are rats and the rising tide to think about while splashing through a foot of dirty water.
Hemliga underjordiska floder flyter under London i England och Themsen är inte den enda stora floden som finns som finns där. Floden "Fleet" var en stor flod som i flera hundra år rann från källan vid Hampstead Heath till Themsen. Nu flyter den i en serie labyrinter och avloppstunnlar, djupt under jorden - något för de modiga att utforska. Men om du har anlag för klaustrofobi (cellskräck) och inte gillar mörker avråder jag dig att gå ner här, och som om inte det räckte så riskerar man att bli dränkt av tidvattnet. Dessutom kryllar stället av råttor, och som minst knädjupt med stinkande bajsvatten.